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5 Steps for Grading Your Yard for Proper Drainage

Land grading is the process by which the ground is leveled or sloped at a specific angle to help with the building or construction process. Grading can also be done to improve water drainage on your property. Any yard with water draining issues can benefit from effective grading to resolve the issue.


Before you hire an excavation company, it’s good to know what to expect. This article will talk about the five steps involved in grading your yard for proper drainage.


5 Steps for Grading Your Yard for Proper Drainage


If you want to improve the water draining for your yard, the following steps need to be taken:


Find Your Slope and Establish a Grade Line


First, find and mark the high and low points of your property. To do this, walk around the yard and notice which way the slope is angled. Measure the distance between the high and low points. Calculate the run and the rise of the slope to find the angle. The run is the horizontal distance, and the rise is the vertical distance. Finding the slope will help you establish a level grade line and determine how much grading is required to improve your yard’s drainage.


Order a Load of Top Soil or Dirt to Be Dumped at the Low Point

The easiest way to add dirt to your property is to have it delivered, but if you don’t require a lot of dirt, you can pick it up yourself at a local hardware or gardening store. Make sure you use good quality soil, as this is crucial to re-establish whatever landscaping growth you have in that area.


Dump the topsoil at the problem point of your yard. This is typically where the low point becomes a high point. The measurement you calculated in the first step will come to use here. Make sure the height of the dirt is a little higher than that measurement.


Smooth and Stamp Down the Dirt


The best way to smooth out the dirt is to use a grading rake. Pull the dirt from the new high point (previously the low point) to the new low point (formerly the high point) and level the area so that the slope is away from your house.


After smoothing, stamp down the dirt. This can be done by taking a sheet of plywood and placing it on the dirt. Walk, jump, and stomp on this wood so that it compacts the area. Make sure the surface is even, and there are no holes.


After this step, most of the grading process is done.


Plant New Grass


Once the dirt is stamped and smoothed, you’ll need to plant new grass. Talk to your local landscaper for help. If you want to do this on your own, add some grass seeds onto the dirt. You can then rake gently, churning and spreading the seeds under the soil. This prevents the birds from eating the seeds.


Soak the Dirt and Cover with Hay


Once the seeds have been planted, you’ll need to water the dirt. Finally, you should place yard clippings or hay on top of the seeds. This also protects them from birds and speeds up the grass growth. Water the area every day to help the grass grow as quickly as possible.

Contact Bennett Excavation, Grading, Asphalt, Trenching, and Septic for Your Excavation Needs


Do you need help improving your property drainage or grading your property? If you need excavation services near me, we’re here to help! Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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